Blog #2—From the airplane.
I left Norman today. It couldn’t have been more perfect. I have honestly never felt so loved. I’ve had a surprise party, a super-lot of intentional time with people I LOVE, awesome meals at all my favorite places, and several prayer-sessions-also-known-as-cry-fests. The impromptu “send-off” Jason planned this morning was no exception. As if sending me out at a party and from the stage on Sunday morning were not enough, we needed one.last.goodbye. : ) I kid, but I have never felt so loved. I had surprise encouraging word after surprise encouraging word. One even fell out of my bag today when we were switching over some stuff from one bag to another to distribute the weight to avoid another baggage fee. (Blah. There were A LOT of baggage fees.) Anyway. My friends wrote me bazillions of encouragements, quotes, song lyrics : ), pictures, jokes, funny memories, and of course drawings from every child I hold near and dear to my heart. I felt so, so loved. I read them.twice. In the airport. I alternatively cried and laughed…both times. It’s fine.

My flight to Houston was short. I mostly stared out the window trying to hold myself together. Excited. But crying off and on. Not necessarily sad, but just remembering. Thinking about how everyone should get to experience being sent out the way I did. Everyone should know their community loves them. It truly will change the world. I think that there is no other option. The Body of Christ is truly beautiful. It is wonderful. I love it. I love it all over the world. I will lay my life down. Forever. For people to know the love of Jesus. He thought I was worth it. He thinks they’re worth it too. I am filled with anticipation. Excitement about whatever God has planned. Whatever my time looks like in India. I am already so thankful for this experience already.
So. When I landed in Houston, I went to get some lunch…the lady behind the counter kept apologizing for the people in front of me. Then, when I got up to the counter she said, “Are you flying for the church?” I answered sort of hesitantly, “well. I guess so. Yes. Why do you ask? (big smile)” She said, “You can just tell by how you’re acting. Thank you.” We talked about her day. Feels empty trying to describe it. But I was emotional, and thankful for the kind interaction.
I then spent 6 hours wandering around the Houston airport. Lesson #1: there’s a reason people take carry-on luggage with wheels. Yep. It may look nerdy. But it’s stupid not to. After about 5 hours of wandering, I meandered my way back to my gate. Almost as soon as I had sat down and plugged my phone in (I’d been on it literally all day. Sending all my last minute texts. : ) they called my name and asked me to come to the front. They went through allllll of my baggage claim tickets and needed to see all my receipts. As I stood there nervously, the lady behind the counter finally said, “Let me see your boarding passes. Let’s make sure you get a row to yourself!” VICTORY! I was so pumped. I’m getting to relax and since I can wear capris for jeans, I can lay completely down in my row. Favor. I felt God’s kindness literally alllll day. He feels so close. It’s been fun to be by myself (actually not by myself—but with the Holy Spirit as my travelling companion). Anyway. I’ve now been on the plane for 4 hours. I’ve been given hot towels, 3 pillow, 3 blankets, about 5 drinks, dinner, and no one will understand the joy this brought me. But Jesus really does care about funny little details. So. Ashley and Jason bought this cheese that I think is either made in Portland or Seattle, the whole time I lived with them, and I LOVE it. Carmen made fun of me the whole time I lived with her and Brooks because it’s called a loaf of cheese. Whatev. Anyway. Literally as I was meandering around the airport I thought about how much I was going to miss Tillamook cheese. So strange. But I did think it. It was just sort of a passing thought. But they handed out a menu (YES! A menu.) for dinner, let’s just say I was less than enthused because all of the main courses were weird (you know—Indian food). But LO-AND-BEHOLD when I got my food, I looked down and amidst all this weird food sat Tillamook cheese. Bahahaha. Just goes to show, the Holy Spirit knows our thoughts and cares about the details of our lives.

i was bored. and loved my cheese!
My plane is nice. My dinner was fabulous. My friends and my community are more than fabulous. It has been the surprise of my life watching Jesus make this happen. Looking back I have no idea how it even happened. I didn’t do much. But He did. I would get random phone calls outlining what I should do next, and I would do them, and somehow I woke up this morning fully rested and ready to go. No idea. I feel like I didn’t do very much. I love my community. I am thankful that I am so loved for really no good reason!
My row...